Digital Signature

Menu boards with digital signage can increase sales.

  1. Most affordable business solution
  2. 80% see a significant increase in sales
  3. Easy to set up and use
  4. Free FOREVER for 1 screen

Our Happy Customers

Menu boards templates for you to try!


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Satisfied Customers

Get free applications to make your screens pop.

Flexible, dynamic, and simple to add. Display informative, eye-catching material from a wide variety of well-liked services that users find valuable. It appears on screen with a few clicks.


Quickly and simply display any kind of material on your TVs!

Display your Media in a Flash

Use photos and videos to their fullest potential to create a stunning menu board.

Simple Scheduling & Administration

To reach the appropriate clients at the right moment, create distinct content calendars.

Free Layouts & Widgets

Present engaging and helpful material that readers will adore and value right away.

Top-Tier Support at No Cost

You can rely on our professionals to assist you with any inquiry and to lead the way while you travel.

Menu boards for
every use case

What our clients say

Get Started with Auslanka Technologies

Unlock the power of digital signage with our easy, professional and affordable solution.

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